The Vulgate of Mark with the Synoptic Parallels, digital, 180-day access

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Publisher Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
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The Vulgate of Mark with the Synoptic Parallels empowers intermediate Latin students to read an engaging narrative in accessible prose. Parallel passages from Matthew and Luke, along with historical and grammatical notes, introduce students to a historical-textual approach to reading and interpreting these texts.

The readings from Matthew and Luke allow students to see how real authors expressed similar ideas in different ways, inviting students to think critically about the texts.

Special Features
    Introduction ♦ Mark and His Gospel ♦ The Interconnectedness of the First Three Gospels ♦ Redaction Criticism as Used in This Book ♦ The Vulgate ♦ Vulgate and Classical Latin ♦ Notes about This Book - Suggestions for Using This Book Unadapted Latin of the Vulgate of Mark and the parallel passages from Matthew and Luke, divided by pericope Introduction to each pericope Facing-page running vocabulary Facing-page historical and grammatical notes Map of Sites Mentioned in the Synoptics Suggestions for Further Inquiry Complete glossary EdTech Shelfit Reader digital edition of Print ISBN: 9780865168350 Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., ebook. Copyright: 2016

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